We Look forward to Helping YOU!
Laser Therapy works by flooding the tissue with photons, which energizes cells resulting in increased circulation, oxygen and nutrients to the injured area and ultimately pain reduction. This painless treatment creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain. As the injured area returns to normal, function is restored and pain is relieved.
Laser Therapy allows your body to utilize it’s own healing powers by triggering a series of healing responses in your body. During treatment you will feel either nothing at all or a mild soothing warmth that identifies the beginning of an 18-24 hour process of modulated cellular activity leading to analgesia (decreased pain) and inflammation.
Most commonly we incorporated Laser Therapy within a standard (30 min.) Physio Treatment session: actual Laser Therapy time takes typically 1 to 10 minutes depending on condition or dosage required.
Patients typically experience improvement (reduction in pain and inflammation / greater range of movement) immediately after the first treatment.
Many patients notice an improvement from the first visit. Dosage, treatment amount and frequency are based upon W.A.L.T (World Association of Laser Therapy 7) guidelines and depending on your condition can take as many as 12 sessions or as few as three. The effects of the Laser Therapy are cumulative, meaning that each treatment builds on the one before with positive effects.
Initially (for say wound healing or severe nerve pain/Migraine etc.) 2 - 3 times a week for the first two weeks is standard then once a week for a further two weeks. At this point we re-assess and treatment may be fully complete or continued until symptoms recover satisfactorily.
The effects (as a full combined therapy approach) often begin immediately and can last days or weeks (up to 22 weeks in some research1) and the positive effects seem to be cumulative.
There are no medical contra-indications or documented negative side-effects to date for Laser - being one of the safest modalities in Allied Health and Medicine. However, Laser light can be damaging to your eyes, if you look directly at the beam. For this reason, both patient, practitioner and any other person in the treatment room must wear specific eye protection glasses or goggles whilst the laser is in operation. Laser therapy provides you with a safe and effective alternative to drugs and surgery.
The evidence for Laser Therapy (PBM) is much stronger than for drug therapies for a host of conditions. Some research reports that pharmacological (drug) therapies for neck pain are widely used but have "not shown any conclusive evidence of benefit" 1. The British Medical Journal BMJ agrees "There isn't any specific research that shows drugs help neck pain". There is now more evidence for the use of laser for neck pain than any other common medical procedure. The Lancet report says "(relief using) Laser Therapy for neck pain lasted for up to 22 weeks. Trials of Laser Therapy (PBM) for knee osteoarthritis tendinopathies and low back pain reported similar results". "This contrasts with drug therapies where the effect ends rapidly when treatment is discontinued."
Laser Therapy (PBM) also has the advantage of having no side effects, unlike many drug therapies.
Additional Specialties
Clinical Pilates & Group Exercise
Women's Health & Pregnancy Care
Paediatric (Children's) Physiotherapy
Art Therapy